Many of us have encountered rain during a hike in the hills and mountains. Unfortunately, we are not able to predict the English weather. Most tourists during hiking or climbing have waterproof jackets and trousers that protect them from getting soaked and backpacks for clothes, cameras and mobile phones. Most backpacks, however, are not waterproof.
How I can waterproof my backpack?
- A very popular method is using plastic bin bags. The solution is often problematic because often bags get torn.
- We currently have a large choice of DRY BAGS. They are made of very lightweight, completely waterproof nylon fabric coated with PVC or silicone.
- Another option is backpack rain covers. Unfortunately, during rain and strong windy, your gears will not be fully protected.

The dry bag can be used for many outdoor activities such as camping, climbing, hiking, mountaineering, kayaking and running, etc. They are available in a variety of colours and sizes. Small 5-litre bags can be use to pack documents, mobile phones and first aid kit, while 20-litre bags can pack clothes or a sleeping bag.
Choosing the best dry bag
The best dry bag will be always waterproof, lightweight and the locking system will be tight and solid. Going to a local outdoor shop is the best way to do a quick test. Open the dry bag and let air go inside and lock it by rolling the top three to four times. Trap the air like a balloon and apply gentle pressure. If the air doesn’t escape it has a good locking system.